Reiki and Energy Healing
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Reiki is a Japanese non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful healing technique commonly referred to as "energy healing". In a standard treatment, Reiki energy flows from the practitioner's hands into the Animal or it can be given over long distance. It activates the natural healing processes of the Animal's body and promotes physical and emotional well-being.
Although Reiki traditionally has been used primarily for humans, it has many qualities that make it an ideal complementary therapy for Animals. Animals are naturals at accepting Reiki into their lives. It is gentle, painless, non-invasive and stress-free. It brings no harm to produce its healing properties.
Many chronic physical problems really are preceded by emotional trauma that has not been fully resolved. Recognising the energetic existence of the imbalance is the prelude to healing.
Reiki Practitioners do not diagnose. The energy flows to those areas most in need of healing, even those unknown to the healer. With healthy Animals, Reiki can help maintain health on all levels.
"Your work is a huge asset in my opinion to horses of any discipline. Abbie seemed a lot calmer in herself and looser in her body after the Session. Her eyes are softer and her stifle hasn't locked since then. I can't thank you enough for your help and your unique ability to connect with the horses."
Helen P.
In-Person and Over Distance Sessions:
Healing only
AU$ 90
(including feedback of the session)
Healing incl Reading
AU$ 120
(up to 5 Questions, including feedback of the Session)
Reiki and Energy Healing
Does your Animal...
Have mental or physical issues?
Have health issues?
Seem anxious and stressed?
A Healing Session can...
Heal at all levels of an Animal's being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).
Include deep relaxation and stress-reduction (and can reduce the tendency towards nervousness).
Complement both alternative and conventional therapies (including enhancing their actions and lessen side effects).
Accelerate Healing after surgery or illness.
Provide compassionate support for dying Animals and their Owners (to make the transition more peaceful for all concerned).
What happens in a Healing Session
Intuition is an effective tool for treating and re-balancing health. Combining my two professions as an Animal Communicator and Certified Reiki Practitioner I can find out from the Animal how they are feeling, treat them and receive feedback after treatment for best results.
During treatment, Animals may feel heat, tingling or pulsing. They might sigh, yawn, doze, fall asleep or enter a deep state of meditation. Some sense the energetic flow of the healing energy while others feel little. Regardless of their experience during treatment, most notice health improvements afterwards.
With many energy healing systems such as Reiki, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc., the process of healing can involve temporary healing reactions. When the Animal's body temporarily produces new symptoms or intensifies old ones as it detoxifies during or after treatment and are usually accompanied by signs of recovery.
Healing reactions can also occur on an emotional level and in rare instances can result in a brief period of worsening of symptoms or behavioural problems before they resolve.
Book a Healing Session
If you would like more information or to book a Healing Session, please email me ( or call me on 0439821047.
We can either arrange a "hands on" Session near you or a long-distance Healing Session. Some Animals who are more sensitive and wary will generally accept a distant treatment if a treatment in-person is too difficult for them.
For a session please provide the following information (email to
Two clear photos (one of your Animal's head, showing the eyes clearly, and the other showing the whole body).
Name, age, sex and breed (to put their answers into some context and therefore understand them better).
Payment of AU$75 for a Healing Session (including input and feedback from the Animal) can be made via Paypal or direct debit any time before Treatment.